Bloggers' Block-a-Palooza Quilt |
Wildflower edge to edge design from Anne Bright |
Eagle Mountain Quilting SALE
During the months of January, February, and March, we had the Bring 2 quilts & Get 15% off the quilting sale...
I want to try something new, During April, for every quilt you have quilted, you will get 5% off of a quilt during the month of June...So, if you're confused... If you have 5 quilts done during April you can have 25% off of one quilt during June or 5% off of 5 quilts or, 20% off one quilt and 5% off 1 quilt etc... I hope that I have not confused you! Call or ask me at the shops if you don't under stand.
(BTW, I don't do sales for out of state sorry...because I give them free shipping for orders over $50.00. This is new too. I use to do free shipping period, except that it has occured that I have ended up making nothing for a quilt becuase shipping took up all the income. So, I think with a $50.00 or over order I should be safe from doing that to myself. Also, if an out-of-state customer asks, I will do the sale for them, if they pay for return shipping, so they can choose which ever deal is best for them.)
We will have a drawing for a "QuiltsMart" Smart Bag. The winner will be drawn from the people who make comments on the blog...and yes, I'm going to be better at blogging!
This cute bag is great for toys and small books, lunches, hand sewing, etc....
I gave these to all my nieces and nephews for christmas and my sisters filled them up with goodies for each of the kids. It was a real hit!
I hope you win!