
Fabric Needed:
3 yards - Main Fabric
1/2 yard - Stop Border fabric
3/4 yard - Binding
2 1/2 yards - Minkie (Minkie is 62" wide, so if you want a cotton or flannel back you need 3 1/2 yards)

Cutting Directions:
  1. Cut "Center Panel" 40" x 53" (cut 1)
  2. Cut "Border" 8" x w.o.f. (cut 8)
  3. Cut "Stop Border" 1 1/2" x w.o.f. (cut 8)
  4. Cut "Bias Binding" 2 1/2" x w.o.f. on bias (cut as many as you can)


(1/4" seam allowance for all sewing)

  1. Sew one strip of 1 1/2" stop border to each 40" side of panel cut off excess. Press towards stop border.
  2. Sew two strips of 1 1/2" stop border together (one set per side). Iron seams open.
  3. Measure center of long side of panel (including the now sewn on stop borders).
  4. Cut the 1 1/2" strips to that measurement & sew onto the panel. You should now have all 4 sides of stop border sewn onto center panel. Press towards stop border.
  5. Using the 8, 8" border strips, sew 4 sets of two together & iron seams open.
  6. Measure center of short side of quilt panel & stop border (should be about 43") Cut 8" Border to that precise measurement & pin each side and center to the quilt top. Press seams toward Stop Border.
  7. Measure center of long side of quilt panel & stop border. Use that measurement to cut each side Border to the same meaurement. Pin, sew, & press the same as in #6.

I used the "Easy Scallop" tool from EZ Quilting. Follow those directions and mark your quilt top. Be sure not to cut the scallops until AFTER your quilt has been quilted.

Good Luck! If I've made any errors (since I'm not really a pattern writer) or you have better instruction ideas please let me know and I'll make this as simple as possible!

 If you make this quilt & send it to Eagle Mountain Quilting to be quilted, mention this special and get 25% off your quilting charge and remember we always have a 1 week turn-around and out-of-state shipping is FREE!