Summer has been a whirl of events for my family and business. As many of you know, my mom has been suffering an illness (undiagnosed!) for the last several months and it has become critical this summer. She has lost almost 100 lbs and we don't know why. The doctors are baffled and she's had several surgeries and many hospital stays and yet she continues to not be able to eat. So....that has taken its toll on our family. The kicker this summer was when my Hard Drive 'broke'? (do you say that?) and I lost ALL the info off my computer for the last year and a half! I cried for several days. However, I have a wonderful neighbor who installed a new hard drive and has helped me restore as much as possible, which wasn't really all that much. My e-mail also took me 3 weeks to figure out how to acess (the guy who did my web site, doesn't work there any more and I had to track him down to find out the 'secret' to getting into my e-mail). Also, we've seen an increase of business this summer which suprised me because...well, you know...it's summer. Anyway, it's been difficult to do as much of my own piecing as I enjoy. But, I wanted to show you 2 quilts that I did around the beginning of June. They are the same design and almost the same quilting. I made the quilt with the red border first and used Anne Brights
'Sail Boat Border Set' from her 'By The Sea' March 2010 special. (I LOVED IT!), and I used her
'Ocean View b2b' for the inside.

This is all for the quilt with the red border. I really liked the quilt, but the red border didn't show the cute Sail Boats on it. so I made another quilt and bought the blue border with the express purpose of having the quilting show up. So I chose a dark blue with tiny white dots. And, I think you'll agree, it turned out wonderful!! The Red Border quilt was donated to my daughter Jourdan's
swim team fund raiser, and there's a picture of her diving off the blocks (I'm so proud!) The quilt she's laying on is one of my "Uber-Ezy" quilts with Flannel for the batting. We've enjoyed using it this summer as an easy picnic quilt.

The Nautical quilt with the Blue Border is hanging up at Broadbents in Lehi, Utah. I used
'Sailin' b2b' for the inside of that quilt. With the left-over blocks I made a little table runner sample that shows what it looks like if we quilt across "Rag Applique".
I used a 'grout brush' to fluff up the edges of the applique
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